Showing only posts tagged Security. Show all posts.

Thousands of Linux systems infected by stealthy malware since 2021


Thousands of machines running Linux have been infected by a malware strain that’s notable for its stealth, the number of misconfigurations it can exploit, and the breadth of malicious activities it can perform, researchers reported Thursday. The malware has been circulating since at least 2021. It gets installed …

Cloudflare blocks largest recorded DDoS attack peaking at 3.8Tbps


During a distributed denial-of-service campaign targeting organizations in the financial services, internet, and telecommunications sectors, volumetric attacks peaked at 3.8 terabits per second, the largest publicly recorded to date. The assault consisted of a "month-long" barrage of more than 100 hyper-volumetric DDoS attacks flood. [...]

Attackers exploit critical Zimbra vulnerability using cc’d email addresses


Attackers are actively exploiting a critical vulnerability in mail servers sold by Zimbra in an attempt to remotely execute malicious commands that install a backdoor, researchers warn. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-45519, resides in the Zimbra email and collaboration server used by medium and large organizations. When an admin …

Enhancing data privacy with layered authorization for Amazon Bedrock Agents


Customers are finding several advantages to using generative AI within their applications. However, using generative AI adds new considerations when reviewing the threat model of an application, whether you’re using it to improve the customer experience for operational efficiency, to generate more tailored or specific results, or for …

Crook made millions by breaking into execs’ Office365 inboxes, feds say


Enlarge (credit: Getty Images) Federal prosecutors have charged a man for an alleged “hack-to-trade” scheme that earned him millions of dollars by breaking into the Office365 accounts of executives at publicly traded companies and obtaining quarterly financial reports before they were released publicly. The action, taken by the office …

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