Showing only posts tagged Security. Show all posts.

Inside a violent gang’s ruthless crypto-stealing home invasion spree


Enlarge (credit: Malte Mueller / Getty ) Cryptocurrency has always made a ripe target for theft —and not just hacking, but the old-fashioned, up-close-and-personal kind, too. Given that it can be irreversibly transferred in seconds with little more than a password, it's perhaps no surprise that thieves have occasionally sought to …

Access AWS services programmatically using trusted identity propagation


With the introduction of trusted identity propagation, applications can now propagate a user’s workforce identity from their identity provider (IdP) to applications running in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and to storage services backing those applications, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or AWS Glue. Since access …

Critical MOVEit vulnerability puts huge swaths of the Internet at severe risk


Enlarge A critical vulnerability recently discovered in a widely used piece of software is putting huge swaths of the Internet at risk of devastating hacks, and attackers have already begun actively trying to exploit it in real-world attacks, researchers warn. The software, known as MOVEit and sold by Progress …

Backdoor slipped into multiple WordPress plugins in ongoing supply-chain attack


Enlarge (credit: Getty Images ) WordPress plugins running on as many as 36,000 websites have been backdoored in a supply-chain attack with unknown origins, security researchers said on Monday. So far, five plugins are known to be affected in the campaign, which was active as recently as Monday morning …

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