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Watermark for LLM-Generated Text


Researchers at Google have developed a watermark for LLM-generated text. The basics are pretty obvious: the LLM chooses between tokens partly based on a cryptographic key, and someone with knowledge of the key can detect those choices. What makes this hard is (1) how much text is required for …

Are Automatic License Plate Scanners Constitutional?


An advocacy groups is filing a Fourth Amendment challenge against automatic license plate readers. “The City of Norfolk, Virginia, has installed a network of cameras that make it functionally impossible for people to drive anywhere without having their movements tracked, photographed, and stored in an AI-assisted database that enables …

No, The Chinese Have Not Broken Modern Encryption Systems with a Quantum Computer


The headline is pretty scary: “ China’s Quantum Computer Scientists Crack Military-Grade Encryption.” No, it’s not true. This debunking saved me the trouble of writing one. It all seems to have come from this news article, which wasn’t bad but was taken widely out of proportion. Cryptography …

More Details on Israel Sabotaging Hezbollah Pagers and Walkie-Talkies


The Washington Post has a long and detailed story about the operation that’s well worth reading (alternate version here ). The sales pitch came from a marketing official trusted by Hezbollah with links to Apollo. The marketing official, a woman whose identity and nationality officials declined to reveal, was …

Deebot Robot Vacuums Are Using Photos and Audio to Train Their AI


An Australian news agency is reporting that robot vacuum cleaners from the Chinese company Deebot are surreptitiously taking photos and recording audio, and sending that data back to the vendor to train their AIs. Ecovacs’s privacy policy— available elsewhere in the app —allows for blanket collection of user …

China Possibly Hacking US “Lawful Access” Backdoor


The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Chinese hackers (Salt Typhoon) penetrated the networks of US broadband providers, and might have accessed the backdoors that the federal government uses to execute court-authorized wiretap requests. Those backdoors have been mandated by law—CALEA—since 1994. It’s a weird story …

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