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How cut-and-pasted programming is putting the internet and society at risk | John Naughton


A vulnerability has been exposed in Minecraft, the bestselling video game of all time – and the security implications outside the world of gaming are vast In one of those delicious coincidences that warm the cockles of every tech columnist’s heart, in the same week that the entire internet …

Malware Hidden in Call of Duty Cheating Software


News article : Most troublingly, Activision says that the “cheat” tool has been advertised multiple times on a popular cheating forum under the title “new COD hack.” (Gamers looking to flout the rules will typically go to such forums to find new ways to do so.) While the report doesn …

Including Hackers in NATO Wargames


This essay makes the point that actual computer hackers would be a useful addition to NATO wargames: The international information security community is filled with smart people who are not in a military structure, many of whom would be excited to pose as independent actors in any upcoming wargames …