Showing only posts by Ilya Epshteyn. Show all posts.

A sneak peek at the identity and access management sessions for AWS re:Inforce 2022


Register now with discount code SALFNj7FaRe to get $150 off your full conference pass to AWS re:Inforce. For a limited time only and while supplies last. AWS re:Inforce 2022 will take place in-person in Boston, MA, on July 26 and 27 and will include some exciting identity …

Establishing a data perimeter on AWS


For your sensitive data on AWS, you should implement security controls, including identity and access management, infrastructure security, and data protection. Amazon Web Services (AWS) recommends that you set up multiple accounts as your workloads grow to isolate applications and data that have specific security requirements. AWS tools can …

IAM makes it easier for you to manage permissions for AWS services accessing your resources


Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers are storing an unprecedented amount of data on AWS for a range of use cases, including data lakes and analytics, machine learning, and enterprise applications. Customers secure their data by implementing data security controls including identity and access management, network security, and encryption. For …