Showing only posts tagged Announcements. Show all posts.

Introducing an enhanced version of the AWS Secrets Manager transform: AWS::SecretsManager-2024-09-16


We’re pleased to announce an enhanced version of the AWS Secrets Manager transform: AWS::SecretsManager-2024-09-16. This update is designed to simplify infrastructure management by reducing the need for manual security updates, bug fixes, and runtime upgrades. AWS Secrets Manager helps you manage, retrieve, and rotate database credentials, API …

AWS-LC FIPS 3.0: First cryptographic library to include ML-KEM in FIPS 140-3 validation


We’re excited to announce that AWS-LC FIPS 3.0 has been added to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) modules in process list. This latest validation of AWS-LC introduces support for Module Lattice-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (ML-KEM), the new FIPS standardized …

AWS Network Firewall Geographic IP Filtering launch


AWS Network Firewall is a managed service that provides a convenient way to deploy essential network protections for your virtual private clouds (VPCs). In this blog post, we discuss Geographic IP Filtering, a new feature of Network Firewall that you can use to filter traffic based on geographic location …

Important changes to CloudTrail events for AWS IAM Identity Center


AWS IAM Identity Center is streamlining its AWS CloudTrail events by including only essential fields that are necessary for workflows like audit and incident response. This change simplifies user identification in CloudTrail, addressing customer feedback. It also enhances correlation between IAM Identity Center users and external directory services, such …

Secure by Design: AWS enhances centralized security controls as MFA requirements expand


At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we’ve built our services with secure by design principles from day one, including features that set a high bar for our customers’ default security posture. Strong authentication is a foundational component in overall account security, and the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) is …

Maximize your cloud security experience at AWS re:Invent 2024: A comprehensive guide to security sessions


AWS re:Invent 2024, which takes place December 2–6 in Las Vegas, will be packed with invaluable sessions for security professionals, cloud architects, and compliance leaders who are eager to learn about the latest security innovations. This year’s event puts best practices for zero trust, generative AI …

New AWS Secure Builder training available through SANS Institute


Education is critical to effective security. As organizations migrate, modernize, and build with Amazon Web Services (AWS), engineering and development teams need specific skills and knowledge to embed security into workloads. Lack of support for these skills can increase the likelihood of security incidents. AWS has partnered with SANS …

Spring 2024 PCI DSS and 3DS compliance packages available now


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pleased to announce that three new AWS services have been added to the scope of our Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and Payment Card Industry Three Domain Secure (PCI 3DS) certifications: Amazon DataZone Amazon DevOps Guru Amazon Managed Grafana You can …

Exploring digital sovereignty: learning opportunities at re:Invent 2024


AWS re:Invent 2024, a learning conference hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for the global cloud computing community, will take place December 2–6, 2024, in Las Vegas, Nevada, across multiple venues. At re:Invent, you can join cloud enthusiasts from around the world to hear the latest …

170 AWS services achieve HITRUST certification


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is excited to announce that 170 AWS services have achieved HITRUST certification for the 2024 assessment cycle, including the following 12 services that were certified for the first time: AWS AppFabric AWS Application Migration Service Amazon Bedrock AWS Clean Rooms Amazon DataZone AWS Entity Resolution …

Strengthening security in the era of generative AI: Must-attend sessions at re:Invent 2024


/ Generative AI is transforming industries in new and exciting ways every single day. At Amazon Web Services (AWS), security is our top priority, and we see security as a foundational enabler for organizations looking to innovate. As you prepare for AWS re:Invent 2024, make sure that these essential …

Summer 2024 SOC 1 report now available in Japanese, Korean, and Spanish


Japanese | Korean | Spanish At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we continue to listen to our customers, regulators, and stakeholders to understand their needs regarding audit, assurance, certification, and attestation programs. We are pleased to announce that the AWS System and Organization Controls (SOC) 1 report is now available in Japanese …

2024 H1 IRAP report is now available on AWS Artifact for Australian customers


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is excited to announce that a new Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) report (2024 H1) is now available through AWS Artifact. An independent Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) certified IRAP assessor completed the IRAP assessment of AWS in August 2024. The new IRAP report includes …

AWS renews its GNS Portugal certification for classified information with 66 services


Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces that it has successfully renewed the Portuguese GNS (Gabinete Nacional de Segurança, National Security Cabinet) certification in the AWS Regions and edge locations in the European Union. This accreditation confirms that AWS cloud infrastructure, security controls, and operational processes adhere to the stringent requirements …

Introducing the APRA CPS 230 AWS Workbook for Australian financial services customers


The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has established the CPS 230 Operational Risk Management standard to verify that regulated entities are resilient to operational risks and disruptions. CPS 230 requires regulated financial entities to effectively manage their operational risks, maintain critical operations during disruptions, and manage the risks associated …

Podcast: Empowering organizations to address their digital sovereignty requirements with AWS


Developing strategies to navigate the evolving digital sovereignty landscape is a top priority for organizations operating across industries and in the public sector. With data privacy, security, and compliance requirements becoming increasingly complex, organizations are seeking cloud solutions that provide sovereign controls and flexibility. Recently, Max Peterson, Amazon Web …

New whitepaper available: Building security from the ground up with Secure by Design


Developing secure products and services is imperative for organizations that are looking to strengthen operational resilience and build customer trust. However, system design often prioritizes performance, functionality, and user experience over security. This approach can lead to vulnerabilities across the supply chain. As security threats continue to evolve, the …

AWS achieves HDS certification in four additional AWS Regions


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pleased to announce that four additional AWS Regions—Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), and Israel (Tel Aviv)—have been granted the Health Data Hosting (Hébergeur de Données de Santé, HDS) certification, increasing the scope to 24 global AWS Regions …

2024 ISO and CSA STAR certificates now available with three additional services


Amazon Web Services (AWS) successfully completed an onboarding audit with no findings for ISO 9001:2015, 27001:2022, 27017:2015, 27018:2019, 27701:2019, 20000-1:2018, and 22301:2019, and Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) STAR Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) v4.0. Ernst and Young CertifyPoint auditors conducted the audit …

Summer 2024 SOC report now available with 177 services in scope


We continue to expand the scope of our assurance programs at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and are pleased to announce that the Summer 2024 System and Organization Controls (SOC) 1 report is now available. The report covers 177 services over the 12-month period of July 1, 2023–June 30 …

Announcing AWS KMS Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) support


When using cryptography to protect data, protocol designers often prefer symmetric keys and algorithms for their speed and efficiency. However, when data is exchanged across an untrusted network such as the internet, it becomes difficult to ensure that only the exchanging parties can know the same key. Asymmetric key …

Spring 2024 SOC 2 report now available in Japanese, Korean, and Spanish


Japanese | Korean | Spanish At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we continue to listen to our customers, regulators, and stakeholders to understand their needs regarding audit, assurance, certification, and attestation programs. We are pleased to announce that the AWS System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 report is now available in Japanese …

OSPAR 2024 report now available with 163 services in scope


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pleased to announce the completion of our annual Outsourced Service Provider’s Audit Report (OSPAR) audit cycle on July 1, 2024. The 2024 OSPAR certification cycle includes the addition of 10 new services in scope, bringing the total number of services in scope to …

AWS completes the first GDV joint audit with participant insurers in Germany


We’re excited to announce that Amazon Web Services (AWS) has completed its first German Insurance Association (GDV) joint audit with GDV participant members, which provides assurance to customers in the German insurance industry for the security of their workloads on AWS. This is an important addition to the …

AWS revalidates its AAA Pinakes rating for Spanish financial entities


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pleased to announce that we have revalidated our AAA rating for the Pinakes qualification system. The scope of this requalification covers 171 services in 31 global AWS Regions. Pinakes is a security rating framework developed by the Spanish banking association Centro de Cooperación Interbancaria …

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