Showing only posts tagged Application security. Show all posts.

How AWS built the Security Guardians program, a mechanism to distribute security ownership


Product security teams play a critical role to help ensure that new services, products, and features are built and shipped securely to customers. However, since security teams are in the product launch path, they can form a bottleneck if organizations struggle to scale their security teams to support their …

A sneak peek at the application security sessions for re:Inforce 2023


A full conference pass is $1,099. Register today with the code secure150off to receive a limited time $150 discount, while supplies last. AWS re:Inforce is a security learning conference where you can gain skills and confidence in cloud security, compliance, identity, and privacy. As a re:Inforce …

How to use granular geographic match rules with AWS WAF


In November 2022, AWS introduced support for granular geographic (geo) match conditions in AWS WAF. This blog post demonstrates how you can use this new feature to customize your AWS WAF implementation and improve the security posture of your protected application. AWS WAF provides inline inspection of inbound traffic …

How to deploy AWS Network Firewall by using AWS Firewall Manager


AWS Network Firewall helps make it easier for you to secure virtual networks at scale inside Amazon Web Services (AWS). Without having to worry about availability, scalability, or network performance, you can now deploy Network Firewall with the AWS Firewall Manager service. Firewall Manager allows administrators in your organization …

Customize requests and responses with AWS WAF


In March 2021, AWS introduced support for custom responses and request header insertion with AWS WAF. This blog post will demonstrate how you can use these new features to customize your AWS WAF solution to improve the user experience and security posture of your applications. HTTP response codes are …