Showing only posts tagged Edward Snowden. Show all posts.

New NSA Information from (and About) Snowden


Interesting article about the Snowden documents, including comments from former Guardian editor Ewen MacAskill MacAskill, who shared the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service with Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras for their journalistic work on the Snowden files, retired from The Guardian in 2018. He told Computer Weekly that: As …

New Revelations from the Snowden Documents


Jake Appelbaum’s PhD thesis contains several new revelations from the classified NSA documents provided to journalists by Edward Snowden. Nothing major, but a few more tidbits. Kind of amazing that that all happened ten years ago. At this point, those documents are more historical than anything else. And …

Apple Adds a Backdoor to iMessage and iCloud Storage


Apple’s announcement that it’s going to start scanning photos for child abuse material is a big deal. ( Here are five news stories.) I have been following the details, and discussing it in several different email lists. I don’t have time right now to delve into the …