Showing only posts tagged nso group. Show all posts.

The secret Uganda deal that has brought NSO to the brink of collapse


Enlarge / A man walks by the building entrance of Israeli cyber company NSO Group at one of its branches in the Arava Desert on November 11, 2021, in Sapir, Israel. (credit: Amir Levy | Getty Images) In February 2019, an Israeli woman sat across from the son of Uganda’s …

iPhones of US diplomats hacked using “0-click” exploits from embattled NSO


Enlarge (credit: Getty Images) The iPhones of nine US State Department officials were infected by powerful and stealthy malware developed by NSO Group, the Israeli exploit seller that has come under increasing scrutiny for selling its wares to customers who in turn use it to spy on journalists, lawyers …

Apple patches “FORCEDENTRY” zero-day exploited by Pegasus spyware


Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images) Apple has released several security updates this week to patch a "FORCEDENTRY" vulnerability on iOS devices. The "zero-click, zero-day" vulnerability has been actively exploited by Pegasus, a spyware app developed by the Israeli company NSO Group, which has been known to target activists …