Showing only posts tagged spyware. Show all posts.

NSO Group’s Pegasus Spyware Used Against US State Department Officials


NSO Group’s descent into Internet pariah status continues. Its Pegasus spyware was used against nine US State Department employees. We don’t know which NSO Group customer trained the spyware on the US. But the company does: NSO Group said in a statement on Thursday that it did …

US Blacklists NSO Group


The Israeli cyberweapons arms manufacturer — and human rights violator, and probably war criminal — NSO Group has been added to the US Department of Commerce’s trade blacklist. US companies and individuals cannot sell to them. Aside from the obvious difficulties this causes, it’ll make it harder for them …

Apple patches “FORCEDENTRY” zero-day exploited by Pegasus spyware


Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images) Apple has released several security updates this week to patch a "FORCEDENTRY" vulnerability on iOS devices. The "zero-click, zero-day" vulnerability has been actively exploited by Pegasus, a spyware app developed by the Israeli company NSO Group, which has been known to target activists …

Paragon: Yet Another Cyberweapons Arms Manufacturer


Forbes has the story : Paragon’s product will also likely get spyware critics and surveillance experts alike rubbernecking: It claims to give police the power to remotely break into encrypted instant messaging communications, whether that’s WhatsApp, Signal, Facebook Messenger or Gmail, the industry sources said. One other spyware …

Candiru: Another Cyberweapons Arms Manufacturer


Citizen Lab has identified yet another Israeli company that sells spyware to governments around the world: Candiru. From the report : Summary: Candiru is a secretive Israel-based company that sells spyware exclusively to governments. Reportedly, their spyware can infect and monitor iPhones, Androids, Macs, PCs, and cloud accounts. Using Internet …

Mollitiam Industries is the Newest Cyberweapons Arms Manufacturer


Wired is reporting on a company called Mollitiam Industries: Marketing materials left exposed online by a third-party claim Mollitiam’s interception products, dubbed “Invisible Man” and “Night Crawler,” are capable of remotely accessing a target’s files, location, and covertly turning on a device’s camera and microphone. Its …

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