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Licensing AI Engineers


The debate over professionalizing software engineers is decades old. (The basic idea is that, like lawyers and architects, there should be some professional licensing requirement for software engineers.) Here’s a law journal article recommending the same idea for AI engineers. This Article proposes another way: professionalizing AI engineering …

Chatbots and Human Conversation


For most of history, communicating with a computer has not been like communicating with a person. In their earliest years, computers required carefully constructed instructions, delivered through punch cards; then came a command-line interface, followed by menus and options and text boxes. If you wanted results, you needed to …

OpenAI Is Not Training on Your Dropbox Documents—Today


There’s a rumor flying around the Internet that OpenAI is training foundation models on your Dropbox documents. Here’s CNBC. Here’s Boing Boing. Some articles are more nuanced, but there’s still a lot of confusion. It seems not to be true. Dropbox isn’t sharing all …

The Inability to Simultaneously Verify Sentience, Location, and Identity


Really interesting “systematization of knowledge” paper : “SoK: The Ghost Trilemma” Abstract: Trolls, bots, and sybils distort online discourse and compromise the security of networked platforms. User identity is central to the vectors of attack and manipulation employed in these contexts. However it has long seemed that, try as it …

Hacking AI Resume Screening with Text in a White Font


The Washington Post is reporting on a hack to fool automatic resume sorting programs: putting text in a white font. The idea is that the programs rely primarily on simple pattern matching, and the trick is to copy a list of relevant keywords—or the published job description—into …