Showing only posts tagged AWS Shield. Show all posts.

How AWS protects customers from DDoS events


At Amazon Web Services (AWS), security is our top priority. Security is deeply embedded into our culture, processes, and systems; it permeates everything we do. What does this mean for you? We believe customers can benefit from learning more about what AWS is doing to prevent and mitigate customer-impacting …

How AWS threat intelligence deters threat actors


Every day across the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure, we detect and successfully thwart hundreds of cyberattacks that might otherwise be disruptive and costly. These important but mostly unseen victories are achieved with a global network of sensors and an associated set of disruption tools. Using these capabilities …

Understanding DDoS simulation testing in AWS


Distributed denial of service (DDoS) events occur when a threat actor sends traffic floods from multiple sources to disrupt the availability of a targeted application. DDoS simulation testing uses a controlled DDoS event to allow the owner of an application to assess the application’s resilience and practice event …

The three most important AWS WAF rate-based rules


In this post, we explain what the three most important AWS WAF rate-based rules are for proactively protecting your web applications against common HTTP flood events, and how to implement these rules. We share what the Shield Response Team (SRT) has learned from helping customers respond to HTTP floods …

Automatically update AWS WAF IP sets with AWS IP ranges


Note: This blog post describes how to automatically update AWS WAF IP sets with the most recent AWS IP ranges for AWS services. This related blog post describes how to perform a similar update for Amazon CloudFront IP ranges that are used in VPC Security Groups. You can use …

AWS Shield threat landscape review: 2020 year-in-review


AWS Shield is a managed service that protects applications that are running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) against external threats, such as bots and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Shield detects network and web application-layer volumetric events that may indicate a DDoS attack, web content scraping, or other …