Showing only posts tagged secrecy. Show all posts.

New Bluetooth Attack


New attack breaks forward secrecy in Bluetooth. Three news articles : BLUFFS is a series of exploits targeting Bluetooth, aiming to break Bluetooth sessions’ forward and future secrecy, compromising the confidentiality of past and future communications between devices. This is achieved by exploiting four flaws in the session key derivation …

On the Poisoning of LLMs


Interesting essay on the poisoning of LLMs—ChatGPT in particular: Given that we’ve known about model poisoning for years, and given the strong incentives the black-hat SEO crowd has to manipulate results, it’s entirely possible that bad actors have been poisoning ChatGPT for months. We don’t …

Amy Zegart on Spycraft in the Internet Age


Amy Zegart has a new book: Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of American Intelligence. Wired has an excerpt : In short, data volume and accessibility are revolutionizing sensemaking. The intelligence playing field is leveling­ — and not in a good way. Intelligence collectors are everywhere, and government spy …